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- According to studies carried out by the Initiatives (Media Fact Book), Zenith (Advertising Expenditure Forecast) and BRAT, Outdoor continued the growth trend started in 2017, so 2018 has maintained an increase of 5% to 31 million euros. In 2019, the OOH market is expected to be affected by the implementing rules for the new Advertising Regulation.
- “Coming as a total surprise, the year 2019 started in force, with real competition between brands, with numerous OOH campaigns and, consequently, with a high degree of employment in the first quarter. In the coming period, we expect sold-out situations, an increase in the use of special projects, as an alternative to the lack of availability of standard locations. ”(Media Initiative).
- “In 2021, advertising in the digital environment will represent 52% of the total advertising spending worldwide, registering a significant increase compared to the 47% estimated in 2019”, shows the study of the media agency Zenith, Advertising Expenditure Forecast.
- OOH is growing more and more, thanks to digital oudoor networks, registering an annual growth rate of 4%
- The advertising regulation established last years, certainly will influence the evolution of the outdoor market in the next period, but the OOH will remain a channel accessed by the big brands. Whether it is retailers, banks, telephony or FMCGs, the consumption of budgets in this channel will remain constant. Even if the number of media will be reduced based on the advertising regulation, the budgets will continue to be at the level of the current ones because the rental costs will increase according to the results of the audience study done by BRAT (SAO).
- Starting from these premises, the market needs a tool that will help to more easily manage the inventory of panels (the case of the holders of media) or to quickly access the availability of panels (the case of the buyers). At this moment there are some players in the market that use inventory management software, as well as some media agencies that have their own campaign management software, but no one has managed to “bring them to the same table”. BRAT’s attempts have led to monitoring investments or auditing some media, but no one has managed to bring support for buying, planning and managing support campaigns that will be linked to panel software.
- That is why we are very pleased to announce the launch of the AdSelect.ro platform, the most complete management platform for street advertising.
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- Conform studiilor realizate de Initiative (Media Fact Book), Zenith (Advertising Expenditure Forecast) si BRAT, Outdoorul a continuat tendința de creștere începută în 2017, deci 2018 a menținut creșterea de 5% până la 31 milioane de euro. In 2019, piața OOH este așteptată să fie afectata de normele de implementare pentru noul Regulament de publicitate.
- “Venind ca o surpriză totală, anul 2019 a început in forta, cu o adevărată concurență între branduri, cu numeroase campanii OOH și, în consecință, cu un grad ridicat de ocupare în primul trimestru. In perioada care urmeaza, asteptam situatii sold-out, o crestere a utilizarii proiectelor speciale, ca o alternativă la lipsa disponibilității locațiilor standard.”(Initiative Media).
- “În 2021, publicitatea în mediul digital va reprezenta 52% din totalul cheltuielilor de publicitate la nivel mondial, înregistrând o creștere semnificativă față de procentul de 47% estimat în 2019”, arată studiul agenției de media Zenith, Advertising Expenditure Forecast.
- OOH-ul se dezvoltă din în ce mai mult, datorita rețelelor de oudoor digital, înregistrând o rată anuală de creștere de 4%
- Regulamentul de publicitate intiat anii trecuti, cu siguranta ca va influenta in perioada urmatoare evolutia pietei de outdoor, insa OOH-ul va ramane un canal accesat de catre brandurile mari. Fie ca e vorba de retaileri, banci, telefonie sau FMCG -uri, consumul de bugete in acest canal va ramane constant. Chiar daca numarul de suporturi va fi redus in baza regulamentului de publicitate, bugetele vor fi in continuare la nivelul celor actuale deoarece costurile de inchiriere vor creste in conformitate cu rezultatele studiului de audienta facut de BRAT (SAO).
- Pornind de la aceste premise, piata are nevoie de un tool care sa ajute la a manageria mai usor inventarul de panouri (cazul detinatorilor de suporturi) sau a accesa rapid disponibilul de panouri (cazul buyer-ilor). In acest moment exista cativa playeri in piata care utilizeaza softuri de management al inventarului, precum si cateva agentii de media care au soft propriu de management al campaniilor, insa nimeni nu a reusit sa-i “aduca la aceeasi masa”. Incercarile celor de la BRAT au condus la monitorizarea investitiilor sau la auditarea unor suporturi, insa nimeni nu a reusit sa aduca un suport pentru buying, planificare si managementul campaniilor suport care sa fie link-uit cu softurile detinatorilor de panouri.
- De aceea suntem foarte incantati sa anuntam lansarea platformei AdSelect.ro, cea mai completa platforma de management pentru publicitatea stradala.